subota, 26. kolovoza 2017.

JEZIVI PRIZORI JEDNE OD NAJCRNJIH MRLJA YU POVIJESTI Kada biste došli ovdje bez da znate pozadinu, bio bi to cool izlet. Ali ovo je hrvatski Alcatraz

Nizozemski fotograf Bob Thissen objavio je seriju jezivih fotografija napuštenog zatvora na Golom Otoku, kojeg je prozvao 'hrvatskim Alcatrazom', piše Daily Mail.
- Zatvorenici su ovdje mučeni, bivši zatvorenici zvali su ga paklom, čak i ljudi koji nisu bili krivi završavali su u ovom zatvoru, rekao je Thissen.
- (PICTURED: This prison was once a living hell where prisoners were tortured and beaten often times by one another, forced by guards, its dubbed the croatian alcatraz and despite being abandoned for 28 years it still holds its haunting history) - Eerie footage shows the remnants of the Croatian abandoned Alcatraz prison where inmates were forced to beat one another, described as a Living Hell. The horrors of Goli Otok still seem to exude from the hollowed-out core that remains just over two miles off the Croatian coast. The have cells crumbled and ceilings collapsed, a mere memory of the brutality inflicted at the prison and political re-education facility dubbed the Croatian Alcatraz. The prison that opened in 1949 for a period of time was home to those who supported Joseph Stalin after Yugoslavia had broken away from the country and their ideals. Over its forty years existence, Amnesty International estimate up to 50,000 prisoners were held for political reeducation and other reports suggest up to 600 died. Prisoner accounts described the place as a living hell, recalling how guards forced them to beat and torture one another, in a bid to obliterate any allegiance to Stalinism or one another. Bob Thissen, 36, from Heerlen, the Netherlands, believes the haunting history can still be felt while walking around the site even to this day, despite being abandoned for 28 years. -, Image: 346414283, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: BOB THISSEN / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Britanski tabloid navodi kako je, prema nekim procjenama Amnesty Internationala, kroz zloglasni zatvor prošlo oko 50.000 zatvorenika, koji su bili slani na 'političku reedukaciju'. Prema istim izvorima, oko 600 zatvorenika nije se živo vratilo s otoka.
- Možete samo zamišljati što se događalo ovdje dok je bio otvoren. Povijest ovog otoka stvara jezivu atmosferu, kada ga samo posjetite bez da znate pozadinu onda samo hodate među ruševinama, kazao je Thissen.
- Jedinstvena je lokacija, zatvor na nenastanjenom otoku na Jadranskom moru, zatvor je bio najzanimljiviji dio otoka, rekao je Thissen, koji je pozvao i druge da posjete lokaciju zatvora.
- Bilo je vrlo cool iskustvo provesti noć na nenastanjenom otoku, zatvorska zgrada je bila impresivna.
- Bio sam i u Alcatrazu, radi se o istoj ideji, zatvoru na golom otoku. Jedina je razlika što je Alcatraz bolje očuvan, vjerujem da je odavde mnogo toga ukradeno, kazao je Thissen.

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